Satoru Taguchi, founder and designer of CHALLENGER, is holding bandana art show named "BANDANALYZE" at
FTC San Francisco from April 5th-7th.
Since 2017, this art show has toured through five cities in Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Los Angeles and Seattle. This year, the tour will be making stops at FTC shop in San Francisco.
On 5th (Fri) 7:30-10pm, there will be opening reception with
Tommy Guerrero special live.
DATE : 4.5(Fri)-4.7(Sun)
開催初日の5日には、TOMMY GURREROによるLIVEと共にレセプションパーティーを予定しております。お近くにお住いの方は、是非お立ち寄り下さい。